Rye Davis is a modern day troubadour from Pig, Ky. His smooth, distinctive vocals, captivating songs and live show energy bring his brand of country music to a whole new generation of growing listeners who never knew what country could be. Armed with a can-do attitude and determination, Rye Davis stands as a beacon of hope for the return of real, down home music.



“Davis sings about the real life of everyday people. He doesn’t just write and play to his audience, he writes and plays authentic songs about his audience and from experiences of growing up in small town America, which I think we need more of in music!”
- Hillbilly Hippie Music Review
“Davis has an impressive talent for storytelling in his songs that are so true to his life and experiences.”
-The Amp
“Rye Davis is a great storyteller that has a calming effect on me. There’s a kindness, a warmth, a spark in his voice that always draws me in. “King Me” is the perfect example of that.”
-Capture Kentucky